vorlights is committed to sustainability

 “… there are no great discoveries and advances, as long as there is an unhappy child on earth.”

(albert einstein, 1879-1955)


we are happy that in October 2010 we assumed our third world-vision sponsorship of a child.

in addition to Bolivia and Thailand, we now support a girl from Central Africa as well.


with our support, we hope to shape the development of “our” children and their environment positively.



... vorlights is green! environmental protection right at our front door


our charming historical buildings whose facade area of 500m² is covered with ivy and wild vines are home to a huge number of birds, bats and insects.


despite the great expense for its cultivation, with this biotope we are able to provide each year about 100 breeding grounds for local birdlife.


for all buildings, we purchase energy from 100% renewable energy sources and therefore are going towards reducing the climate-changing co² emission.

